Before I left for camp, I had the opportunity to train with Brian and Caitlin Gregg of TeamGregg. They are LNR's local stars and I have to say I was more than excited to train with them. I was definitely intimidated before my first workout with them: 100 and 200 meter sprints. I joined their workout and learned a ton about how to train, technique, strength, colleges, and more.
Here's Caitlin showing us some technique she learned at her Glacier
camp. Photo: Kim Rudd
Caitlin and the Comp team Chickz after a long workout
and pancake breakfast.
Photo: Kim Rudd
I also got to puppy sit for the Gregg's. This is
Lahti, the most adorable dog!
Caption from Caitlin's facebook post: "U16 Sprint Champ and 2010 Olympian
rolling through Loppet Adventure Camp! #lovemyskiclub #LNR"
Photo: Caitlin Gregg
June biathlon camp: Mt. Itasca, MN
This was my first two week camp. We had a lot of shooting training, biking, running, and rollerskiing. But camp wouldn't be camp without an Eco-Challenge (An Eco-Challenge is a workout that is at least 4 hours long, outside, and has multiple types of training).
On the way to Dairy Queen. More people wanted to go than we had room for...
Siena Ellingson and I halfway through our 100+ mile bike ride.
Photo: Vladimir Cervenka
Running time trial.
Photo: Vladimir Cervenka
Before the time trial.
Photo: Vladimir Cervenka
After. We all got matching #Murica t-shirts.
Photo: Vladimir Cervenka
Eco-Challenge part 2. (Bike, skate, double pole, swim, run, bike)
Photo: Vladimir Cervenka
Siena Ellingson, myself, Emma Stertz, and Petra Cervenka after the skate.
Photo: Vladimir Cervenka
After the swim. Emma's dad is in the kayak to make sure we don't drown.
Photo: Vladimir Cervenka
We played Settlers of Catan way too many times.
The girls at the camp.
Photo: Maria Schoening
This was our "short" bike ride to test gear for the 100 mile ride.
Last picture of the whole crew.
Photo: Vladimir Cervenka
July LNR Camp: Grand Marais, MN
This was the shortest camp I went to all summer. We drove up Monday morning and came back Friday afternoon, but still got in almost 20 hours of training.
The girls in the back of Kim Rudd's van rocking
out to Ellie Goulding!
Photo: Sarah Bezdicek
We stayed in cabins without plumbing so after every workout
we would find a river (or Lake Superior... brrrr) and rinse off.
Occasionally we went cliff jumping too!
Photo: Kim Rudd
Part way through our long run/hike section of the Eco-Challenge. 14+ miles
Photo: Kim Rudd
Sarah Bezdicek, Julia Harrison, and I rolling through
a water stop.
Photo: Kim Rudd
Skis and boots and poles OH MY!
Photo: Kim Rudd
The whole group after a long run and picnic lunch by the lake.
The LNR girls getting our Sass going.
Photo: Kim Rudd
Post workout picnic by Lake Superior.
Photo: Kim Rudd
Happy Campers after a long week.
Photo: Kim Rudd
August U16 National Camp: Jacksonhole, WY
This was another awesome week. I got to train with some of the fastest skiers in the country and learn from some of the best coaches, all while getting in some altitude training and having a blast.
The girls after a distance ski and agility work with Bryan Fish.
Photo: Bryan Fish?
The girls after some Moosehoofing intervals in the mountains- such
a beautiful location.
My group during the last workout/Eco-Challenge: a 4 hour hike up a mountain.
Photo: Adam Glueck
The Midwest group after a rollerski.
Photo: Hannah Rudd
The Midwest girls getting sassy.
Photo: Claire Benton
Go NNF!!!
Photo: Deedra Irwin
We also went white-water rafting, which is something I've always wanted
to do. It was AWESOME!
Photo: Deedra Irwin
Photo: Bryan Fish?
The girls after some Moosehoofing intervals in the mountains- such
a beautiful location.
My group during the last workout/Eco-Challenge: a 4 hour hike up a mountain.
Photo: Adam Glueck
The Midwest group after a rollerski.
Photo: Hannah Rudd
The Midwest girls getting sassy.
Photo: Claire Benton
Go NNF!!!
Photo: Deedra Irwin
We also went white-water rafting, which is something I've always wanted
to do. It was AWESOME!
Photo: Deedra Irwin
This was one of the vans which we called Clifford the Big Red Dodge.
August Biathlon camp: Jericho, VT
After the U16 camp, I flew straight to Jericho, VT for a biathlon camp. It was an awesome time and I made some great friends, including 4 people from Sweden who came to the US to train for two weeks.
The Swedish girls, Siena, and I after the last race. I know the shirt is ugly,
but I won it for knowing everyone's name at the U16 camp. I'm usually horrible with names
so I'm proud of it and its ugliness.
Photo: Jakob Ellingson
The Minnesotan and Swedish athletes going to get ice cream to
celebrate a birthday.
Photo: Vladimir Cervenka
These little guys were all over the trails.
Photo: Nina Armstrong
I had two races while in Jericho. The first was one of my best ever in biathlon. In the sprint I missed 2, 1, and had the fastest time for the Americans, but was beat by one Canadian youth.
The second race was a pursuit in which I missed 3, 3, 2, 3. It was definitely not a good race for two (or more) reasons. Firstly, I was getting tired from two straight weeks of training and travel. Secondly, I was not mentally focused. I ended up getting 11th.
Girls Night Out: Downtown Wayzata, MN
Girls Night Out is definitely a highlight of my summer. All the Competition Team Chickz get dressed up and go out to eat. Our coaches wouldn't recognize us without the sweat and ski clothes!
Looking fancy
Photo: Nicole Schnieder
The P-Town Chickz (minus Nicole).
Photo: Hannah Rudd
The LNR Chickz getting sassy again. Can you tell we
love the sass?
Photo: Allison Ternes
Miscellaneous pictures from this summer in no specific order:
J2 reunion! Ski and ice cream!
My best friend Rachel and I going on her last bike ride before
she got knee surgery.
Dad and I biking and skiing at our cabin in Wisconsin.
Pancake party after a long workout.
Photo: Kim Rudd
Rachel Conley and I making a pit stop on our run to visit horses at my cabin.
Photo: Rachel Conley
Honorary J2 Anna French and I skiing at Baker Park.
Ingrid Thyr, myself, and Lewis White on a distance bike ride
around the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes.
Dad and I this fall after a ski.
LNR teammate Sarah Bezdicek and I mid workout. You
can't see it, but downtown Minneapolis is in the background.
Sarah Bezdicek and I doing an early season rollerski
in the rain.
Lewis White at biathlon training after he cleaned standing
for the first time.
LNR Comp team Chickz after a long workout.
Photo: Hannah Rudd
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